

Hello blog readers!

You'll need to forgive my lack of blog today, our new application went live today, so it's been a little hectic.

If it dies down later, I'll edit this.

Take care!


I wasn't the only one...

Apparently I was not the only one in the planet who thought this show was wrong ...

'Anchorwoman' pulled after one episode

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Here's news that Fox's series "Anchorwoman" wouldn't want to deliver: It's been canceled after one low-rated airing.

The debut of the reality show about Lauren Jones' attempt to turn herself into a news anchor for a Texas TV station drew an estimated 2.7 million viewers Wednesday, according to preliminary figures from Nielsen Media Research.

That number is about a third of the viewership Fox attracted a week earlier with the finale of its popular "So You Think You Can Dance."

Jones was a Barker Beauty on "The Price Is Right," Miss New York and featured WWE Diva before the series put her into the newsroom of KYTX Channel 19 in Tyler, Texas.

Unaired episodes of "Anchorwoman" will be available on Fox's website through Fox on Demand, the network said Thursday

Ok. So. I saw the previews for this show and was completely and totally appalled. While I understand the importance of having news anchors that are physically appealing to the eye, news anchors also need to be professional. There is no reason why she should have even been considered for such a position. The previews showed her wearing provacative clothing, and stumbling on words such as "al qaeda" - a word spoken nearly daily in this day and age. I would be willing to bet that she has no sort of journalism or public speaking background, either of which should be a prerequisite to that particular role.

When I watch the news, I want the news. What's next? A 1st grader anchor? While that would be cute for about 5 minutes, I wouldn't want to watch story after story be read by one. This is the same thing - interesting for about 5 minutes, but can you imagine story after story? 'fraid not.

My real concern is the kind of message this sends to children. My daughter is incredibly adorable. And I will stand behind her no matter what profession she ends up in. However, I also try to encourage her to use her intelligence/creativity/athletic ability/personality to get where she wants to go in life. Now some blonde bimbo gets a show about her being a news anchor. Great.

Am I the only parent upset by this? Apparently not - The show got cancelled.

Sound off, I'd like to hear your opinions.


The Virgin Suicides

Time for another movie review by Mary!

The Virgin Suicides. Wow. I watched it last night and I am not sure if it was because I was also putting away laundry/doing chores in my room at the same time or if it was due to the depth of this movie, but it's been a long time since I've felt like I need to watch it again to get everything.

From what I gathered, the movie is told by a narrator and it is all a flashback. The main story is about a family in the mid to late 70's. The parents are incredibly strict on their 5 daughters. The youngest commits suicide and the family seems to become an urban legend of sorts. The neighborhood boys (now the narrator) fall in love with the remaining girls. Upon the advice of a therapist, the parents start allowing the girls to have friends over, and go out on occasion. Lux (Kirsten Dunst) ends up staying out all night after homecoming and their home becomes a virtual prison. The girls are taken out of school and forbidden contact with outsiders. In the end, they develop communications with the boys and invite them all over one night after the parents go to bed. The boys discover them all dead [yeah, spoiler, but the name of the movie is the virgin suicides so you had to know it was coming.]

I'm going to watch it again tonight for further reflection.

The screenplay was written and directed by Sophia Coppola, based on the book of the same title. She does an amazing job of capturing the boys' love for the girls, the strictness of the parents ... I think she is an amazing director, but it probably is genetic ;) .

Names to note :
Kirsten Dunst
Josh Hartnett

How I spent my day, by Mary Kadrlik



I also stumbled across this one, a wealth of financial advice.

the simple dollar


Reflections of a Girl

Hello Readers,

Usually, Every August 9th I write a retrospective blog covering the past year. This year, I was rather busy at my new job and missed it. Why August 9th? August 9, 2004 was the day I almost died. I had 100% blockage of my RCA, aka a heart attack. I was diagnosed as suffering from a condition called Spontaneous Dissection. This condition is very rare, even more so when it is naturally occuring (it does happen with cocaine users as well - definitely not me.) The easiest way to describe it is that instead of my blood flowing through my arteries, it is flowing into the spongy lining, causing it to swell and eventually block completely. It is caused by a pregnancy hormone. Had I not been in such good health when I was younger, I would have had a heart attack much sooner after Kristen's birth.

5 stents were implanted into my artery to re-open the artery and restore blood flow. I was placed on an aspirin, Plavix© and Lopressor© regimin. After one year I was taken off the Lopressor©, but to this day I am still taking the other two. Since then I have had two angioplasties to clear scar tissue build-up. I had to terminate a pregnancy due to tests I needed to take that would cause damage to the fetus. It's been an ongoing struggle ever since.

The amazing thing is that my body is doing what it is intended to do - heal itself. I am experiencing what is called arterial genesis - my body is growing new arteries to bypass the damaged areas. It's pretty awesome.

So, 3 years later, what have I done with my life? Yeahhhhh. Well. In the past year, I finished my Health and Fitness Science certification. My sister and crew moved in with me. I got promoted to a level 2 at TCF. I left TCF. I fell in and out of love numerous times. I changed psych meds. I was hospitalized in a mental health facility. I got a kick-ass new job. I screwed over a bunch of people. I learned who my real friends are. Excitement, I know.

Some life lessons learned :

You can't be someone you're not just to impress another person.
It is imperative to communicate.
Family is quite possibly the greatest thing on Earth.
The path you are walking on will never be straight, and it will never be free of obstacles; how you deal with them is what matters.
Your own health and well-being should come first.



Time for another amazing movie review.

After I netflix'd Prozac Nation, next on my list was another Christina Ricci movie called Pumpkin.

At first this movie seemed to be very sappy. It starts with Carolyn (Ricci) starting her senior year of college. She is in a very preppy sorority, competing with a rival sorority for Sorority of the Year. She has a perfect tennis star boyfriend, and everything seems to be going fantastically for her. As a charity project, her sorority is working with Challenged athletes for their upcoming Challenge Games. Long story short, she falls in love with a mentally challenged young man named Pumpkin, and it completely throws her life out of whack. She leaves her so-called-perfect life after she realized that perfect isn't always perfect.

Now this movie touched me in several different ways. The primary one being watching the internal struggle she faces as she initially resists the feelings she is forming for Pumpkin. You see her actions progress from contempt to curiosity to affection. Her friends and family's reaction to this development is very realistic. It's a natural progression, it doesn't seem rushed or forced.

Another reason this movie appealed to me was that it is a non-traditional love story. As much of a sap as I am, it's nice to deviate from the standard "girl meets boy, girl falls in love with boy, they have some sort of hardship, girl wins boy" that most love stories follow. Here she already IS in love, and has to deal with that added aspect in her search for the answers. She tries to hang on to her "normal" boyfriend in order to hide from her growing feelings for Pumpkin, and she seemingly flip-flops between the two of them multiple times.

Overall, this movie is one to watch if you tend to prefer romantic movies [read: like sappy movies like me].

The only really well known name in this movie is Ricci.

Up and coming reviews : The Virgin Suicides, Four Brothers, Adam and Steve, Adaption, Rounders

The secret

Hello readers!

The power of the mind is amazing, isn't it? Have any of you ever heard of "the secret"? I was shown the video on youtube. (I can't add the link from work - youtube is blocked. Search for The Secret). The readers digest version of the secret is this :


I normally live an extremely depressed life. After I watched this video months ago, I started to think: why am I stuck in a dead end job? Why does my love life suck? Because I was settling for what I had rather than striving for something better.

So I started to picture my life the way I wanted it. And guess what? I got a better job. I feel better about myself. I have a much better idea of what I want in relationships - with friends, lovers, co-workers, family, and I refuse to settle for less.

I pictured myself paying off debts. I pictured myself not being dependant on people for the things I want and need. And that's what's happening. It's really amazing.

If you think you'll fail, you'll fail. If you think you'll succeed, you'll succeed. It's really that simple.

Try it. :D


A Beautiful Blog

Hello Readers!

Have you ever been unable to feel?

I used to feel loved when I was with Matt #2. I felt sexy, happy, outgoing, youthful... and I felt hated, disgusted, outraged, offended, abused, berated, worthless. By now I know that he wasn't the one, he was kind of using me, it didn't mean to him what it meant to me. The point is, I felt.

Now, I have mini-emotions, but never like overwhelming like I've felt before. It's like I'm a flat line. Apparently seroquel is a very effective mood stabilizer - cause I'm definitely stable when I'm on it. When I'm on it, I don't get the crazy extremes I used to. But I'd like a little up and down now and then so I stop taking them. I'm great for a couple days, then I hit rock bottom again or go ballistic or feel like I'm on cloud nine and you could kill my cat right in front of me and I wouldn't care.

So, do I take the drugs and try harder to feel or do I not take them and risk injury to myself and/or others? I'm torn, and my psychiatrist is hesitant to try anything stronger.


Why I love Minnesota

Hello again readers! Thanks for sticking with me.

I was driving in to work today and I started thinking. Note, I drive from Burnsville to Shoreview daily, so I have a lot of thinking time.

Why on Earth do I live in Minnesota? I'm an adult, I could move to anywhere I want.

Well, the most obvious reason I stay is because my family is here. Family means a lot to me, and I don't know that I could move out of easy car-ride range from my parents, siblings or child without feeling like a vital part of me has disappeared.

Minnesota is an incredibly beeautiful state. We have 4 distinguishable seasons. I'll admit winter tends to be the longest of them, but that adds to the beauty. Nothing is more beautiful than watching trees in bloom, watching them thrive in the humid weather of summer, watching them change to brilliant hues of gold and crimson, then watching them lose their leaves and see branches coated with new-fallen snow.

Winter. That is what most people associate Minnesota with. And I'll fully admit that I too get frustrated (and a little scared) while driving after a snowstorm. But I also see the fresh blanket that covers our yards and roofs and find myself breathless. There is a still in the air, a silence you can't acheive anywhere else. As a child, my sisters and I yearned to rush out and destroy every inch of fresh snow by making snow angels, snow forts, snowmen... but as an adult I heesitate to even cut across the yard to get to my car. I feel a need to preserve it, cherish it. And for good reason - with global warming our winters have had noticeably less snow and warmer temperatures. 1995-96 and 1996-97 were very harsh winters in terms of snowfall amounts. But can you honestly say we've had another winter as bad as those since? Thats 10 years ago now. I fear that one of our natural wonders may be coming to an end, and I'd hate to move away and miss that.

Land of 10,000 lakes. Well, land of 11,842 lakes that are 10 acres or more. Land of over 15,000 lakes if you count all the teeeny tiny ones. What does that mean? A lot of water. And my parents just so happen to live on a lake called Lake Leavitt in the blink-and-you'll-miss-it town of Outing, Minnesota. A place I should go more often, but never seem to "have the time" [read: desire] to go up there. But that's maybe because my mom is crazy. It has nothing to do with the lake - which is incredible. It is a natural spring-fed lake, probably 60 degrees when its 100 outside.

Why else do I stay here? The culture. Minnesota is a very culture-rich place to live. I love having a plethora of theaters, art centers, museums, gardens, etc. to choose from when I go out. In fact, I was just recently considering getting tickets for me and Jon to go see Triple Espresso. And we're going to ren fest on sunday methinks. We also have the Mall of America (home to two of my kid's favorite places - Underwater Adventures and The Park at MOA) for the shopping aficionado, the Minnesota Zoo for the animal lover, countless parks... it's a never-ending place of happiness and wonder.

So. I can honestly say I don't plan on leaving here any time soon.

I ask you, readers... why do you live where you live?


The New Diary

Greetings all you blog readers-

Another thing I like to blog about is movies. I have Netflix, and enjoy chosing the more obscure movies rather than the big titles my sister often chooses.

I recently Netflixed the movie Prozac Nation. As someone suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar disorder, this movie was pretty high on my to-rent list. It is based on the biographical book by the same name, authored by Elizabeth Wurtzel. The main character Lizzie (played fantastically by Christina Ricci) comes from a broken home. She does not have a realationship with her father other than resentment, and her relationship with her mother could be described as, well, insane. She goes to college at Harvard, thinking things will be different but she quickly falls back into an atypical depression. She begins to do drugs (coke, e, pot), sleep with multiple partners, and very quickly becomes "the Harvard bag-lady". Her relationships quickly unravel at the seams and she struggles to get back to being normal. At one point her psychiatrist prescribes her prozac. Anne Heche plays a fairly convincing shrink here. The tear-jerker moment for me was a scene where Lizzie is at the home of Dr. Sterling and decides to go upstairs and slit her wrists. Dr. Sterling comes upstairs and looks very disappointed, then her child comes to see what all the commontion is about. The look Anne Heche gives to this powerful moment is amazing.

One line she says in the movie sticks to me, she describes her hitting rock bottom as "gradually, then suddenly" and then at the end claims her recovery was also "gradually, then suddenly". For someone who has been there, to that dark place you always find yourself, this hit the nail on the head. I didn't just all of a sudden "get" BPD. It came on gradually, then suddenly when the last block got pulled out from under me. My recovery will also need to be gradually, then suddenly.

One might almost conclude that Elizabeth Wurtzel may have also been borderline - she fits at least 5 of the diagnostic criteria. Borderline Personality disorder and severe clinical depression are often seen together, as is BPD and other mental illness. As a BP dating a non-BP, I have a difficult time conveying to my boyfriend what it's like to be like this. I normally turn to the movie Girl, Interrupted as the main character (Susanna Kaysen - played by Winona Ryder) is formally diagnosed with BPD, but I almost feel this movie portrays the extreme low points we hit and Girl, Interrupted gives the more understand/comprehend side.

Had I not already sent it back, this would be the one I would chose for me and Jon to watch tonight.

And, good luck finding the song that they play on the end credits ANYWHERE. It is called "You Can Take What's Left of Me" by Nathan Larson. I had to buy the CD FilmMusik to get it.

Overall, if you or someone you love is depressed or has a mental illness - this is a must-see. For all others, the acting and the music is enthralling enough that I'd say you should still see it.

Big names in this movie include : Christina Ricci, Jason Biggs, Anne Heche, Michelle Williams, Jonathan Ryhs Meyers and Jessica Lange.

Of note, Christina Ricci was a co-producer of the film.


My first blog!

Well, not really.

I have blogs all over the place... Deadjournal, multiple on Livejournal, Myspace.... but I thought it was time for a new one. Start over fresh- no angsty heart-broken posts about men who've done me wrong (which seems to be an ongoing topic of discussion), no updates on my weight loss endeavors (yes, I have a blog devoted to just that), no adorable pictures of me or my kids (you can find those via the link to the right!) No complaints about my job (cause I don't have any!) and no ranting about how perfect and wonderful my new man is - he knows he is, I know he is, and while I'm normally one to talk about it non-stop; that is what my myspace blog is for. I have links to some or all of those blogs in the links section of my profile if you are dying to know.

No, readers, this blog is going to be for REAL blogging. I intend on answering one random question per day with several well written paragraphs as a response. So, tune in daily while I spout out my theories on life, my opinions on major headlines, and answers to the top things people want to know about other people.

Until tomorrow ---