
I don't understand!

Hello readers!

Time for the first ever exciting installment of "I don't understand" by yours truly.

I don't understand why guys sometimes don't get the hint. I mean, I'm not always the most upfront, to-the-point person. I'd think a pretty obvious hint that I don't want to talk to you is when I ignore you. I admit to being a busy girl, and I really do lose conversations. I'm talking about when guys send me a message and I flat out never ever answer. If you're lucky enough to get a response from me, and it's very short and generally uninterested sounding (i.e. Uh huh, yeah, indeed, sure, ok... one word answers), I'M NOT INTERESTED. I don't like to have to block people's IMs. I don't like to have to tell people I don't really want to talk to them ever again. But if I tell you I don't want to talk to you ever again, don't whine about it. Be a man, for Pete's sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.